CubeSat Propulsion Systems from VACCO Industries
VACCO Industries provides a variety of high-performance cold gas, warm gas and green monopropellant systems for CubeSat propulsion systems. To date, fourteen flight MiPS have been produced to support AFRL, NRO, NASA and commercial flight applications, including support for the JPL MarCo CubeSat program. VACCO utilizes its proprietary Chemically Etched Micro Systems (ChEMS™) technology to produce these smart, highly integrated Micro Propulsion Systems (MiPS) specifically designed for CubeSats. In addition to complete systems VACCO also provides Xenon and Iodine micro feed systems & valves.
Each of these modules is a self-contained, highly integrated propulsion module comprised of thrusters, valves. system filter, propellant storage tank, interconnecting flow paths, control electronics, sensors and a digital interface.