VACCO invites you to join these WebEx meetings.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
10:00 am | (UTC-07:00) MDT Time (US & Canada) | 2 hrs
Meeting number (access code): 146 655 4246
Meeting password: S7FbdTfzS96
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
11:00 am | (UTC-07:00) MDT Time (US & Canada) | 2 hrs
Meeting number (access code): 146 539 9441
Meeting password: qjTCXitJ763
Exhibit Webinars: Propulsion Systems for SmallSat
Thursday, August 6, 2020
2:00 pm | (UTC-07:00) MDT Time (US & Canada) | 2 hrs
Meeting number (access code): 146 613 6550
Meeting password: 569zpBhDqrn
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Dial 1466554246@vacco.webex.comYou can also dial and enter your meeting number.Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business
The 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference will explore the realm of possible space mission architectures and how they can be practically achieved to support the diverse needs of the global space community.
SmallSat Conference 2020 will be held in a virtual format with no on-site presence this year because of COVID-19. With nearly two decades of support of the SmallSat Conference, VACCO Industries is pleased to participate in the 2020 conference. Join us at our virtual booth and live chat with our team.
Please contact Cleve Samson if you have any questions.
VACCO presentation in SmallSat Conference 2020:
Session IX: Propulsion
Testing of a Green Monopropellant Integrated Propulsion System
To learn more about our work with SmallSats and CubeSats, please visit:
We are looking forward to talking to you in SmallSat Conference 2020!